When Daybreak Unfolds;
When the Sun Sets,
and the Moon Rises;
Be Vigilant.
Ages sees no Old or Young
Dates are numbered
For a Man to speak is none
Defy the Days that you were told,
“Quiet and Listen you Don't Belong;
You're Young.
You Don't Know what is Right from Wrong.”
Before, You asked them for their basis
They gave you nothing, not even a single one.
You Follow, because they wanted you,
But Today is neither History nor Mystery;
This is a Gift, It's Present.
Be Vigilant.
Speak to the World with what You think is Right;
History of unfounded Traditions will be changed,
Mystery will be unfolded.
Shout To The World
And The Seas Will Roar
You Accepted The Gift
And Dared to be Different. /written by reymund b. flores. copyright 2011